As I sit here to write down my reflections on student teaching, I can't express how amazing it feels to be in the classroom everyday working with students. This past weekend I returned home to volunteer at Farm Show/celebrate my early birthday with my family, and I have been talking constantly about my first week. The tag line of those conversations has been: "I loved every second so far, but I haven't hit a bad day yet, so call me then."
My first week was actually only 3 days in the classroom due to Mid-Winter Convention on Monday (see the blog on that!) and a snow day on Wednesday. In the days I have been in school, I have worked with the classes I will be taking over. Mr Brown and Mr Turner have an excellent way of working together, and I have slipped right in. For an example to clarify that: Mr Brown and Mr Turner frequently have the same class (Ag 3, ag 4, etc) in the same period, so the combine the classes. They will team teach a unit, one takes one unit and one takes the next, or one will take one half to the shop and the other will stay in the classroom and they switch the next day.
They have both have immediately made me a teaching presence in the classroom, welcoming my input wherever I feel comfortable. Ex: using my PSU meats judging experience to contribute to Mr Turner's meat science unit, and using my shop experience to be a second teacher to assist, monitor, and provide feedback to students when they are working on projects. I have also contributed outside of class time. I have sat in on parli practice before school, and helped Mr Brown in the concession stand at the boys basketball game.
I started my actual instruction with my Ag 1 careers unit on Friday. This coming week will continue to be crazy because of an in-service day on Monday, and it is the final week of the 9-week semester so there will be reviews and mid-terms/finals. I will continue to teach Ag 1 periods 5 and 8 each day possible, and continue through the rest of the internship. One thing I learned from talking with family and friends this past weekend is that our system of team instructing and even school schedule makes sense in my head, but it is hard to explain to someone else. Bottom line we got a plan, and it's a good plan.
Philosophy: I want to work with others to create a love of learning, not just delivery of instruction. I also want to be a staple in the school and local community. I think my placement is so great because I can see that in Mr Brown and Mr Turner. While not everything they do is not how I think I would do it, I am learning how they do what is best for them. I am sill your typical young buck with great ideas who wants to change lives, and that's ok. This first week, and probably the next few, are all about taking that drive and passion and learning how to make it operate in the everyday craziness of a real life classroom. My heart is full. Bring on week 2!!
When you teach with Mr Brown, you never know when your picture will be taken (and sent to your professors and school admin). Nevertheless, I'm glad he does. Teaching soldering to Ag 2. |
BONUS Story of the Week:
(Scene: Mr Brown reminding students of a massive project, due tomorrow, that was assigned just after national convention. Student 2 is Student 1's occasional partner in mischief.)
S1: Mr Brown you never went over this, how am I supposed to get this done, I need an extension!
S2: What the heck S1? How can you even ask that? He has been over this so many times! Mr Brown, I don't know how you do this sometimes!
haha...project extensions, who would have thought! (Jk)